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What is BioRemediation?
Bioremediation Group Mission Statement:
Our mission is advocate and practice bio-remediation techniques which reduces or removes neuro-toxins from the environment through sustainable biofiltration.
The Issue:
How to make bio-remediation community accountable and readily accessible. In order for our urban communities to build a sustainable future there must be remediation from toxicity of air, water, and most importantly soil. Neuro-toxins are not a sustainable edition to any community and must be remediated for increased quality of life. By collaborating together, communities will begin to create a sustaining bio-filter for our land and water supply. Improving and sustaining a healthier way of life.
The Mission:
To lift the vibes of the earth through the education and service offered of the potential enhancement of intentional systems through bio-remediation. We define bio-remediation as a process that rids soil and body of imbalance and contamination.
We seek to inoculate and care for soil and water supply to defeat neuro-toxins in the environment removing/reducing pollutants (bio-remediation).
The Goal:
The Sakari's Garden Bio-Remediation Fund Project is a environmental justice initiative building hyphe webs, balancing soil biology, and utilizing phyto-remediators (plants), to suck up neuro-toxins and reduce heavy metal content from our soil and water supply.
By becoming an effective ally in advocating for better water and air quality, we are taking an active role in;
- Increasing nutrient intake for our neighborhoods and planet
- Effectively taking a stand regarding climate change which is partly due to inactive soil food webs
- and increasing the diversity of information for greater health awareness
these actions will help us to form a vital self sustaining bio-filter and once more balance the life in such mediums of Nature.